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Clothing & Supplies: We provide a cushioned mattress and a bedroll for sleeping. We chose a bedroll because it has a built in pillow and attached blanket. (Parents provide a blanket to cover bedroll). We provide drinking cups with straw with your child's name labeled. We provide lunch, dinner, and snacks; parents are welcome to bring breakfast for their child.

Please have your child dressed with shoes for outdoor play.

List of items to bring that parents provide:

* Diapers

* Baby wipes

* Diaper cream

* Extra change in clothes

* Coat in winter, light jacket in warmer weather

* Blanket to cover the sleeping bedroll

Payment Responsibilities: A one time registration fee of $100 and the first month tuition is required at the time of enrollment. Monthly payment is due at the 1st of each month; late after the 3rd and subject to late fees. For payments we accept checks or cash. Make checks payable to: Yvonne Liu Daycare. You will receive a receipt for all payments.

Parents are responsible for full payment whether or not your child is here; including federal holidays and winter break. *Full payment is due for all absences including family vacations, change in work schedule and illness of the child.

Termination: You must give at least 30 days notice in advance if planning to terminate childcare services. Parents are responsible for full payment of childcare fees through the final date.

Late Pick up: Many, if not most childcare facilities charge by the minute for late fees. We do not charge for late pick up, nor do we charge for early drop off. We are flexible to meet parents' needs. We just ask to be reasonable.

Pick up policy: We must have prior written authorization from parents for anyone to pick up their child that is not a parent or not on the Emergency Information form. Any authorized person that we do not know will be required to show proper identification.

Mandated Reporter: As a childcare provider, we are a mandated reporter to the State to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the Child Protective Services.

Illness & Medication: Parents will be notified if your child becomes ill during the day. You will be expected to pick up your child if any of the following symptoms develop:

* Fever over 101 degrees F.

* Vomiting

* Anything contagious such as pinkeye, hand/foot/mouth disease, mumps, flu, etc.

* Diarrhea

Your child may return to school:

* When symptoms subside for 12 to 24 hours.

* The child is past the contagious stage of illness.

Written authorization is required for us to administer medication; including prescription and over the counter medicine. Any medication brought to school will be labeled with child's name, date, and dosage.

911 will be called for anything life threatening; then parents will immediately be notified.

Discipline Protocol: The need for discipline at our school has always been minimum due to:

* Ratio of adult to children is more than adequate.

* Children are not forced to perform beyond their abilities.

* Activities, materials, and play structures are age appropriate.

Methods used when discipline is required due to inappropriate behavior:

* Redirecting. Redirecting is the most effective method for this age. Redirecting method is distracting them with an alternate toy or activity. Children feel empowered when making the right choices, and redirection encourages them to keep on trying.

* Misbehaving child towards another will say sorry and hug.

* Time out.

Time out can be an effective disciplinary policy when redirecting a child or offering positive guidance fails. Children who need a time out are supervised at all times. They only sit for about one minute per their age in years (three minutes for a three-year-old, for example). Before being reintroduced to the group, we explain to the child what he/she did wrong to land in the time out spot. Time out was developed as a time for everyone to cool off, not as punishment.

* No physical punishment is ever administered by an adult at any time.

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